Hello everyone! It's another new month and with that comes a new Author
of the Month. This will consist of a post that includes an interview
with the chosen
author, along with featuring them in my sidebar for that entire month.
New feature I started on my blog in September (Refer HERE if you would like to see the original post & if you would like to be apart of this as an author).
December's author is Bethany Crandell
About the Author
The Interview
I would like to take the time before you read the Interview to thank Bethany for taking some time to partake in this. She was quite busy, but was sweet enough to agree. Enjoy
About the Author
I wish I had some mysterious secret to reveal about myself in hopes that you'd find me interesting...but I don't. When it comes to me, what you see is what you get. And what you get is an irreverent, sarcastic and emotional girl who writes stories about characters with these same traits.
I live in San Diego with my husband, two kiddos, and a chocolate lab who has no regard for personal space. I'm slightly obsessed with John Hughes and the wonderful collection of films he left behind, and I'm confident that Jake Ryan will be showing up on my doorstep any day now...
I firmly believe that prayer solves problems, and that laughter is the best medicine. Along with avocados. Avocados make the world a better place.
You can get in touch with Bethany here:

The Interview
I would like to take the time before you read the Interview to thank Bethany for taking some time to partake in this. She was quite busy, but was sweet enough to agree. Enjoy
1. What inspired you to
become a writer of begin writing?
Bethany: The voices in my head got too loud to ignore.
Either I got fitted for a white jacket or I put their stories onto paper. Paper
is cheaper…and more comfortable.
2. What literary
character is most like you?
Frances the badger. (BREAD AND JAM FOR FRANCES
being my all-time favorite!) This is a series of children’s books written by
Russell Hoban. She’s lovable, a bit naughty, sometimes selfish, but always true
to herself.
3. Quinn, one of your
main characters from "Summer on the Short Bus" is said to have the
looks of "Troy Bolton" from "High School musical", are you
a devoted High School Musical fan at heart or in secret do you have a shrine?
Bethany: No. I don’t have a secret shine
devoted to Troy Bolton. I do, however, have a twenty-two foot, silver-plated
statue of Zac Efron in my backyard. It highlights his incredible abs. *drools*
It’s also a bird bath. I’m all about dual-purposing.
4. What is one unique
(weird) talent you can do that you have yet to share with the world?
Bethany: I am a mean air typist. Other people shred on the air guitar…I kick ass on an air keyboard. Since I first took keyboarding in sixth grade (waaaaay back in the ‘80s) I have been addicted to typing. (I type like 97 wpm) Sometimes, when I’ve got writer’s block or just have some time to kill, I’ll log onto an online typing test and see if I’ve still got it. Heh.
Bethany: I am a mean air typist. Other people shred on the air guitar…I kick ass on an air keyboard. Since I first took keyboarding in sixth grade (waaaaay back in the ‘80s) I have been addicted to typing. (I type like 97 wpm) Sometimes, when I’ve got writer’s block or just have some time to kill, I’ll log onto an online typing test and see if I’ve still got it. Heh.
(Yes kids, published authors live very
interesting lives)
5. If you could have
any accent from anyway in the world, which would you choose or want?
Bethany: Bahahaha. OMG, best question EVER! I’m a huge, huge lover of just about every accent, as is one of my best pals *winks at AG Howard*, and when we’re together we always try to pull off British accents when we’re out running around. It always sounds better than it actually works out. Within a sentence or two we’re sliding into something that sounds like a mix between Spanish and Swedish. It’s terrible! So, I guess my answer to this question would be: Which ever accent I could pull off longer than seven seconds.
Bethany: Bahahaha. OMG, best question EVER! I’m a huge, huge lover of just about every accent, as is one of my best pals *winks at AG Howard*, and when we’re together we always try to pull off British accents when we’re out running around. It always sounds better than it actually works out. Within a sentence or two we’re sliding into something that sounds like a mix between Spanish and Swedish. It’s terrible! So, I guess my answer to this question would be: Which ever accent I could pull off longer than seven seconds.
6. Do you have a
specific outfit or article of clothing that you must write in?
Bethany: Nope. But I have to be comfy. Tight waistbands are a writer’s worst enemy.
Bethany: Nope. But I have to be comfy. Tight waistbands are a writer’s worst enemy.
7. Do you have any
plans or release dates for a new book?
Bethany: I’m finishing up a ridiculously wild/fun/quirky/dark new book right now. Hopefully that’ll be out in the world before long.
Bethany: I’m finishing up a ridiculously wild/fun/quirky/dark new book right now. Hopefully that’ll be out in the world before long.
8. What is the hardest
part about writing a story?
Bethany: Getting over the setbacks that spring up along the way. It’s really easy to feel discouraged when you’ve been on a writing roll, and then have to backtrack and rework things, but that’s part of the drill. Two steps forward….
Bethany: Getting over the setbacks that spring up along the way. It’s really easy to feel discouraged when you’ve been on a writing roll, and then have to backtrack and rework things, but that’s part of the drill. Two steps forward….
9. If you could be transported
into one book setting and live there for 6 years, where would you choose?
Bethany: Okay, WAIT! THIS might be the best question ever.
No question, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. Any opportunity to hang with Mr. Darcy is on
my bucket list!
10. What is one piece
of advice you would give to an aspiring author?
Bethany: Write for yourself, not for anyone else.
Bethany: Write for yourself, not for anyone else.
And that
concludes my Interview with December's Author of the month. Thanks again
for the opportunity to interview you Bethany, it was a lot of fun making your questions and it was
such a honor.
Books By Bethany
Buy Summer on The Short Bus by Bethany HERE.
Aw, Bethany, LOVED your words for the up and coming authors. BEST ADVICE EVER.
And I need to see your face again soon. I've missed my partner in LIME. Get it ... limey? Hahahah!
*shakes head in shame*
Great interview ladies! <3
Next time Bethany and A G. are together I want them to do a video of themselves conversing with British accents and post it to YouTube. Then when I am feeling down I can watch it. Ha ha. Thanks for the interview post you two. :)
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