Hello everyone! Today I was luckily enough to score an interview with Joel Lawrence.
Joel Lawrence is new to the Oftomes author list and has his book Tears of Time being published by them. I was super happy to get the chance to interview him because he seems like such an awesome guy, and to no shocker, he definitely was!
Here's a little bit about him, before we start
Eden’s new telekinetic powers feel real enough, the same abilities
used to wage an apocalyptic war in the dream world, where an ancient
kingdom struggles to survive the wrath of a fallen priest. When Eden’s
friends start having similar nightmares and developing powers of their
own, she realizes one of them may be the reborn soul of the villain from
the dreams who nearly shattered the world—a madman, a traitor, and the
lover of Eden’s past self.
When a government experiment using the same powers that started the ancient war goes disastrously wrong, Eden’s dreams hold the key to saving the future—if she can accept her dual identity and defeat the reincarnation of the man she used to love.
Joel Lawrence is an American Millennial from the Midwest who comes
from a game design background creatively. He’s always been a big reader,
and honed his writing craft through short stories and game
documentation before attempting his first novel. When one of his
professors praised his writing and asked if he’d ever been published,
Joel decided the time had come to try his hand as a fiction author.
Nearly half a decade and a lot of learning later, he’s thrilled about
his upcoming debut novel, Tears of Time, set for a September 2016
Though he’ll take lakes, horses, and bonfires over clubbing, life
experience is the key to great fiction, so everything is fair game. For
reading, he enjoys Tolkien, Rowling, and all the big names in fantasy,
and he’s recently developed a love for all things YA.
Get in touch with him on:
~Interview time~
Sabrina: Hello Joel, its
lovely having you here today for an interview. Why don’t you start off by
telling a little bit about yourself?
Joel: I'm a Midwestern guy who will take rock over
rap, kayaking over snowboarding, and wine over beer. I've always been stronger
at creative, "right-brained" endevours than math/science. So writing
comes fairly natural to me. Though learning to go from simple short stories and
game documentation into full length polished, and edited novels was a long
process. I'm still learning, but I feel I've developed a strong foundation.
Sabrina: What was your
initial reaction when Oftomes decided to publish your book Tears of Time?
Joel: Extremely hyped.
That feeling has yet to subside, which is great since I have a million things
to do and the extra energy is welcome! Ben "got" it right away, and
wasn't concerned about the "hybrid" fantasy style of the Tears of
Time plot. He knows it's a strength, and will go over well with a broad portion
of the YA market. So now it's just a matter of getting the word out. It didn't
take me long to get fully on board with Oftomes. It's going to be a wild ride.
Sabrina: Where did the
premise and ideas first spark for Tears of Time?
Joel: The idea sprang from
my desire to write a contemporary story, while not totally abandoning my
fantasy roots. Straight fantasy was what I grew up reading, and what I wrote
for my first two novels. However as my writing improved, I wanted to try a
story that fell into a reasonable word count range, and with a contemperary
setting--something more marketable.
So the Tears of Time idea started when I decided to do a two worlds
style fantasy, where I'd be exploring new territory writing contemperary, but
at the same time have a more familiar fantasy world in the background. That
triggered a roller coaster of brainstorming. I didn't want to do magical
wardrobes or dimensional portals or traditional time travel. Reincarnation
seemed like a fresh way to link the two worlds, and that meant grounding the
fantasy somewhere in the historical past. The Bronze Age, and a
mythological/historical take on Atlantis seemed perfect to me, and everything
started coming together from that premise.
Sabrina: Do you need anything
specific while writing to get you motivated?
Joel: For me, it's about
getting enough sleep, having enough energy, eating many small meals instead of
one large meal that tires you out, and achieving peace and quiet. So I try to
work out and step away from the computer and get outside at least once on a day
off, and I do the "listen to inspirational music" thing before
writing, not during. So for me it's just about achieving comfort and no mental
or physical distractions.
Sabrina: Who are some authors
that inspire you?
Joel: As a child, I'd say
Tolkien and Mark Twain. Later I really fell in love with Robert Jordan, George
RR Martin, and J.K. Rowling. For recent YA, I'm inspired by Jennifer
Armentrout, Victoria Aveyard, Cassandra Clare, Melissa Landers, and many many
Sabrina: What are two quotes
that you like to or at least try to live by every day?
Joel: I like this question. If I had two boil it
down to two quotes, probably
more than you take"
in moderation, including moderation."
A runner up, because it's not
quite as snappy, but still very true, is the great Viggo Mortensen's take on
managing one's time.
is no excuse to be bored. Sad yes. Angry yes. Depressed yes. Crazy yes. But
there's no excuse for boredom. Ever.”
Sabrina: If you could spend
some of your life travelling from the real world and a fictional one, which one
would you place yourself in and why?
Joel: An even cooler
question! So, when thinking back to the worlds I’ve been reading/watching,
experiencing them from the outside would be a lot different than traveling
there personally. While it would be awesome to meet characters from Game of
Thrones, Walking Dead, the 100, the Hunger Gamers, for example, I'd never want
to visit those brutal worlds (unless I was Daryl Dixon and had a crossbow with
perfect aim and a fangirl character shield! Kidding, kidding! (ducks).
I'd want to experience a fun fantasy world, because I grew up with
Tolkien and Wheel of Time and Harry Potter. Harry Potter I'd pick for runner
up, post Deathly Hallows. There's tons of amazing things to see and do, and I'd
love hanging out with almost every character, Slytherins too! But ultimately
it's still a magical world overlaid over the real world, and I love pure
fantasy, so I'd say my final pick for fictional world to visit would be Erilea
from the Throne of Glass series. Celaena's world is full of magic and fantastic
places and people, and sure there's a lot of brutality there, but I'd risk
visiting it over "blink and you're dead" Westeros any day!
Sabrina: Do you need a
certain space in order to feel comfortable writing, or can you write anywhere
and everywhere?
Joel: I write best from my
home computer, but I can write pretty much anywhere. I can DEFINATELY take
notes from anywhere, get ideas from anywhere, and I'm often found grabbing
random pieces of paper to write down an awesome idea/plotpoint/dialog bit
before I forget it. My mind is always churning with book related ideas, so I
keep paper and pens in my car so I can write them down anywhere, anytime. Some
of my best Tears of Time scenes originated from a random pile of scrape paper
not unlike this picture! https://www.instagram.com/p/BBZNbZqk3e0/?taken-by=authorjoellawrence
Sabrina: What are two pieces
of advice you would give your readers when we begin to enter the world and book
you created?
Joel: 1) Keep an eye out
for clues and background references, for those who enjoy digging deeper into
the tapestry of a world. 2) For those who are more into a light, escapist type
read, fear not, I tried to give Tears of Time a fast, fun pace, and it
shouldn't lose you if that's how you want to read it either.
Here's a little bit about Joel's book...
Title: Tears of Time
Author: Joel Lawrence
Publication Date: September 13th, 2016 (day before birthday!)
Publisher: Oftomes
Description: Cal State freshman Eden Ellis feels like a stranger in time, and her
dreams are growing more dangerous each night. Is she really the
reincarnation of a Bronze Age princess, or is that just the medication
When a government experiment using the same powers that started the ancient war goes disastrously wrong, Eden’s dreams hold the key to saving the future—if she can accept her dual identity and defeat the reincarnation of the man she used to love.
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