Hello Everyone! Today's special post will be for Splintered Souls blog tour hosted by Sage's Blog Tours. Joining ius today will be the author herself, Erica Lucke Dean.
They say time flies when you’re
having fun. It’s true. Time does fly when you’re having fun. It also flies when
you’re not having fun. Or when you
get another year older. Or when you remember how things used to be so many
years ago. The only time it doesn’t
fly is when you’re waiting for something to come…like your tax return check…or
your period when it’s already been late for a day or two. Oh, but I don’t mean
mine, by the way (Mom, if you’re reading, I was just using that as an example.)
What I mean is wasn’t it just June… July? Possibly August? Certainly not
November. When did it become November? What happened to Halloween? I
binged watched my favorite scary movies just a few days ago, but with no kids
at home anymore, I never even bothered to pull out the decorations this year.
But since it’s too soon to decorate for Christmas, that must mean it’s November. And for some reason, this November feels
more important. Maybe because the kids are all grown or maybe because
I feel like I’ve suddenly gotten so old, or (insert shameless plug) it could be
because my new book, Splintered Souls was
recently released. But I feel different. And not just because the clocks have
gone back an hour and it gets dark so much sooner. Not because the crunchy
leaves cover the ground and the trees are nearly bare leaving the mountains visible
in the distance. Yes, the scenery feels different, but it’s almost as if I can
feel the seasons change, and not just the seasons but the years. It makes me
wish I could travel back in time and relive my youth… or go back and experience
my children’s firsts. Maybe even further back… I’d kinda like to see what all
the fuss over Henry VIII was. I’ve seen the paintings and the guy wasn’t much
to look at. How exactly did he have so many women falling all over him? Was his
crown really that spectacular? But I digress…
I’d just like to see the sun come out for a change, and maybe tonight, an old
movie and a warm fire… with a pumpkin spice latte, a thinly sliced turkey
sandwich, and a nice big slice of pumpkin pie. It is November after all.
About the Book
Title: Splintered Souls
Author: Erica Lucke Dean
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Over three hundred years ago, Lady Catherine Fairchild risked everything to protect her unborn child, sending a ripple through time that would change Ava’s future. As the mystery unravels, the horrifying consequences of Lady Catherine’s choices drag Ava deeper into a world she never knew existed, trapping her in a conflict that’s been raging since before she was born. A winner-take-all battle for her soul."
About the Author
After walking away from her career as a business banker to pursue
writing full-time, Erica Lucke Dean moved from the hustle and bustle of the big
city to a small tourist town in the North Georgia Mountains, where she lives in
a 90-year-old haunted farmhouse with her workaholic husband, her 180lb lap dog,
and at least one ghost. When she’s not writing or tending to her collection of
crazy chickens and diabolical ducks, she’s either reading bad fan fiction or
singing karaoke in the local pub. Much like the main character in her newest
book, To Katie With Love, Erica is a magnet for disaster, and has been known to
trip on air while walking across flat surfaces. How she’s managed to survive
this long is one of life’s great mysteries.
Get in touch with Erica on:

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