
Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Bound~ Blog Tour

Hello all! Today I am apart of the The Bound Blog Tour hosted by InkSlingerPR, I've been on a couple of their tours, including The Affiliate (The first book in this series). So I was pretty happy to be apart of this tour.

We travel back into the world K.A. Linda created for The Ascension with her new sequel The Bound. I'll be telling you my thoughts about the book later on in the post, but before we get there I'll share with you some information about the book

Title: The Bound {The Ascension #2}
Author: K.A. Linde
Publication Date: October 25th, 2016
Format: eArc
Description: Cyrene Strohm is a Queen’s Affiliate, a high-ranking official of the court of Byern, with power and privilege to spare. But she’s also a keeper of dangerous secrets: like the fact that she holds the heart of the King, and that she possesses magic in a world where magic no longer exists.

Determined to discover what this means and how to use her newfound abilities, Cyrene sets off for the distant land of Eleysia. An island nation where Affiliates are strictly forbidden from entering.
But the journey is perilous, and the destination may mean utter ruin, as Cyrene comes to learn that everything she’s been told her whole life – about her court, her homeland, and even herself—are bound in a beautiful lie.

**Disclaimer: I received an eArc from the author. This does not effect my opinions in any way. Everything stated in my review is of my honest opinions and interpretations.**

I enjoyed travelling back into the world K.A. created the first time around. It was magically to see the how she transformed the characters and plot as the story went on. I hands down enjoyed this one a lot more then The Affiliate, minor my few complaints I had over the ending. Overall I really enjoyed the book, and I've decided to do a "top 3" things I liked about this book as my review.

~Top 3 things that made this a 4.5 star book~

It was different and unique seeing Cyrene find herself in this book, I highly believe that this was all thanks to the magically aspected added to this story. It was something to fall in love with. It was easily understood with all the history and none of it took away from the story.

I think that we saw many different sides of all the characters in this books. Some sides we wouldn't of really wanted to know or see... and some really amazing sides. However with these sides came the growth of each character. For the better. Especially in some.

Legit, that is all I am going to say because he was too amazing. 

Those are the things that I enjoyed the most and what really added to The Bound that was't truly there within the first book. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this read and i can't wait to read the next one in the series. I hope that if you pick up this book you enjoy it just as much as I did!

~About the Author~

K.A. Linde grew up as a military brat and created fantastical stories based off of her love for Disney movies, fairy tales, and Star Wars. In her spare time, she is an avid traveler, loves reading young adult novels, and dancing. Additionally, K.A. has written more than a dozen adult novels and is a USA Today bestselling author. She lives in Lubbock, TX with her husband and two super adorable puppies.
K.A. Linde loves to hear from her readers!
You can contact her at or visit her online at one of the following sites:


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