
Saturday, October 1, 2016

Cover Reveal~ Trapped in Silver

Hello all! Today marks the day of yet another Oftomes Publishing cover reveal. Let me you that this cover may just be my favourite cover thus far. They have a habit of creating covers that are very appealing to the eye, but I think this one is one for the books.

The book is Trapped in Silver by Emily Sowden and without further ado here is the cover


Everything about this cover entices the eye. From the colour choices to the actual design premise. Just by looking at this cover my presumptions is that it will be a fantasy, and let's get real, we both know that is my favourite genre. I  love love love what appears to be a locket or necklace of some sort. It's super beautiful. I also very much love the swirling magic around the necklace thing. Another that should be pointed out is the beautiful background design.

This cover is quite beautiful and just from looking at it I can tell that this will be a book I am sure to enjoy. I am certainly judging this book by it's cover and all I am getting is good vibes

Title: Trapped in Silver {Eldryn Chronicles #1}
Author: Emily Sowden
Publication Date: Feburary 7, 2017
Publisher: Oftomes Publishing 
Description: "Courage comes from a shadowed place in our hearts; a blurred line that straddles love and sheer stupidity.
To seventeen-year-old Ava, wild woodcats, hungry stragglers, and simple-minded townsfolk are the evils she’s grown accustomed to. But when Ethan, an unusual man with eyes of smoke and fire opal, enters her world she quickly understands that there are worse things out there than drunken men and carnivorous forest creatures. She’s a specialised liar and a hell of a fighter, but against a group of animalistic men called Berserkers she struggles to survive the encounter as the desperate swing of a dagger is all it takes to change her life for good.
Half-dead and hunted by the Berserker’s leader when he forms a monstrous obsession with her, Ava escapes his pursuit in an unfamiliar land full of impossible creatures, unlikely allies, and the man she doesn’t know whether to kiss or kill.
But after dreadful news of her missing brother surfaces, Ava becomes more involved in the centuries-long war and begins to unravel the reasons behind her relentless nightmares, discovering truths long-buried in a violent history of love, loss and betrayal"

Ever since I was a little girl there have been four things I've been obsessed with: reading, writing, video games and tea.
Coming from a large, scatty family, Mum gave me a love of reading (judge that from the book piles creeping up the walls and shoved under desks) and Dad gave me a grand love of technology.
When I'm not sneaking in time to write another chapter I can be be found news editing for Pocket Gamer and flailing about the new products coming out. I'll also be found getting slowly suffocated by my fluffy ragdoll cat, Indy.
My debut novel, Trapped in Silver, is due for release February 2017.

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty cover! I love the blue and gray accents :D and the book sounds great. So many awesome-sounding books coming out in 2017! Looking forward to it :) Thanks for highlighting this one.

    - Eli @ The Silver Words
